Saturday, November 6, 2010

Michael Savage VS Dan Savage

Every once in a while I'll catch Michael Savage (Michael Weiner) on the radio. Dude's totally nuts. I like that. My friend Kevin does the perfect impersonation of him: "I'll give Teddy da meatballs, I just like the marinara. HAWHAHAW, my dog is going to need an angioplasty. Eating healthy is for red diaper doper baby communists." He'll get bored doing his extreme mouthpiece patter and just talk about food for like two hours, rambling, laughing at his own jokes. This guy gets his own radio show? He's not all that funny, just his epileptic fits are. Love it when his boneheaded first-time-caller/long-time-listeners dial in & totally agree with him.."megabuttfuckdittos, Mackel, I tertally agree with everything you say."..and he insults them for agreeing with him.."Whaddayou, a moron, an imbecile?! GET OFF MY SHOW. GET OUT OF HERE!" LOL

Dan Savage > Michael Savage. Not that long ago I found this lecture by Dan Savage, who is a good writer. It, it is what it is, and that is supremely depressing. Little fun for me, never was much lasting happiness. True happiness is created. Happiness is only real when shared and nobody is happy all the time. Well, the lobotomized are I guess. Are occasionally days when I want to punch everyone I see in the face. What I wouldn't give for a pretty face that calms me down on those days.."NO, no hulk smash! Me friend. Come, Hulk, come smoke weed with me & watch this silly movie with me. Settle down, hulkster". In a perfect world. I want a Rush Limbaugh weeble wobble to vent my aggression on. That would be cool. The base would be filled with viagara & oxycotin.

Only a gay columnist and some female sociologist writer have ever broached the subject of just how bad it can suck to be a straight guy. They're the only ones permitted to, really, it's more acceptable for them to express feelings.

Makes some good points. If I feel like wearing leiderhosen while eating jello off someone's boobs, that is not gay..what it IS, is hilarious. Why does sex have to be so serious all the time?

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