Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happiness Is A Serious Problem

And Korean tacos are seriously good.

I try to be happy unless something happens to make me UNhappy. I can't MAKE people who CHOOSE to be unhappy all the time happy..they rarely appreciate it. I have a responsibility to be as happy as possible for those that deserve to share it. I'm pretty selective about who I bother with. Reminds me of this chick I dated for about a year. Loved her, but an aggravating pain in the ass. Was this flea market I'd go to, it was like a space bazaar, & I took her with me a couple of times because it's fun. You'd have the usual cheap Chinee crap, but there'd be kitschy stuff too, & unusual people. Characters, for lack of a better word. I'd haggle a little if I thought they were asking too much for something:

EH: Why do you haggle with them sooo much?
Me: I'm not paying $15 for a DVD that is obviously a bootleg. I can spot a bootleg a mile away, the print jobs are shit.
EH: Seems cheap to me.
Me: (Sigh) Haggling at a place that expects you to haggle isn't cheap, it's smart. $10 for that DVD at MOST. That fancy pants restaurant I took you to the other night with the $20 tuna medallions & parsley as the side salad, was that cheap? The money I save can be used for better lingerie. As much 3rd degree as you're giving me, you should be dancing in some lingerie on my face, like my face is a mechanical bull. MECHANICAL BULL FACE - That is what you are to call me for the rest of the evening, madam. This is your penance for questioning my authoritay when I just bought you a thoughtful gift that I DIDN'T haggle on, because it was the perfect present for you. (I think it was a stuffed retro Siamese cat) NEXT GIFT I get you will be a huge foam 10-gallon hat that you must wear while riding my face.

No, that's not what I said. The first two or three sentences are what I said. The rest is what was running through my head & SHOULD'VE been said. Here's another classic EH exchange:

EH: You smoked pot?!
Me: Yeah, my next door neighbor gave me a couple hits off the J he was smoking out in the stairwell. I feel calm, tranquil right now.
Me: Excuse me, WHAT? I just had a couple tokes! I drink little, I do this even less.
EH: My ex, all he cared about was playing music in his dumb Korn ripoff band, mowing lawns & smoking pot all the time!
Me: What was that, like two ex's ago? I'm not him. I work for the library system, and while I don't make the best money, I believe in what I do. I do community programs there too, and trust me, it's depressing dealing with alot of that stuff.
EH: Go smoke some more pot if that's what's important to you!
Me: This is BULLSHIT! You're being a jerk! (CLICK! Yes, I hung up on her)
(minute later) BREEP BREEP
EH: sob sob..nobody..sob sob..has ever..sob sob..done that to me before...
Me: Yeah? Well maybe it was time someone did. You're acting like a judgemental bitch.

Then it was like 15 minutes of make up talk, followed by a weekend of make up sex. But, you know, many times did I have to do that with her, and how many times would I have had to keep doing so. Giving me grief for smoking ganja a bit while she'd go out drinking, would drink wine with her girlfriends at home...hypocrite much?

It's not hard to make me happy. Make me a sammich, be thoughtful now and then, listen to reason, do things with me from time to time, watch a movie with me, have an interest in sex, don't give me the 3rd degree 24/7...I have an invisible gender playbook that I must adhere to, to function. This is not rocket science here, at what point did it become such in western society? It's just the golden rule: treat another as you'd like to be treated. If I SERIOUSLY like someone, which isn't every day for me, I'm studious in that. If I don't really care so much...I won't rip anyone off, but I'll have them at arm's length & the eyes in the back of my head will be Clockwork Orange. Toothpicks. I feel people out, because while most people aren't totally shitty, my experience was I couldn't trust most of them further than I can throw them...which is a helluva long way if I've had my wheaties & red bull.

If someone is not treating you right, kindly let them know. Maybe they're having a bad week or month. If they don't come around after a few times - BOOT TO THE HEAD, adios muchachos, life's too short! That's a fact, jack. It's unlikely they'll magically come around, they'll just go on treating you like dirt, just because they CAN. Maybe give em another chance if they eat a little dirt to getya back. "Ain't toooo proud ta BEGGGG!" That Temptations song probably isn't the best example, David Ruffian wasn't too proud for crackrock either. "I appreciate all the bras ya'll are throwing at the stage, but can someone sling some rocks this way?!" Cocaine, crackrock, crystal meth..mendicant drugs. Food/clothes/medicine, some acceptance, trust & love, maybe a lil marryjuwanna or some coffee, guarana, yerba mate, there isn't much more a person NEEDS than that. Materva soda?! Hell yes! "Glub glub, JEPA JEPA JEPA! I am ready for the world, cholos!"

Too many see happiness as some sort of commodity, an easy path, when this isn't resource conflict. If one needs a lot of money to be happy, maybe it could be said that being happy is going to involve alot of crap that makes people jaded & miserable. Happiness is CREATED like any thing of comes from within, or is created with another via shared experience & cooperation. Happiness is only real when shared..and if that's all anyone shared, what a shallow shitty world this would be. "Oh, you make me so happy...oh no, you aren't happy right now? Movin right along.." This book is by a guy with a dry writing style and a boring radio show..but I can't argue with a lot of the logic. It's good, more people should read it:

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