Sunday, August 7, 2011

This is sometimes how I think...I'm not ashamed to admit it. I sometimes wonder if I do the things "normal" people do just so I'll have something to draw about later.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The White Negroe

Been a long time since I rock'n'blogrolled. Sorry, got a lot going on and haven't had time to post anything. (Who am I apologizing to, crickets?) Here's an underrated band...from the dirty souf like all good stoner/sludge metal bands are:

EyeHateGod - White Nigger

I know, I know...that's not "my word". Maybe "wegroe" is a better way of putting it. I coined Wegroe ™, so it's my word, bugger off. I don't go around dropping N bombs, anyone reads this and knows me knows that..I rarely say it. I've never said it out of malice but from an educational standpoint. I have HEARD it MANY times from a position of malice. It's not the word, it's the intent, the authority & ability to cause real damage that's behind the word. If three black guys approach me on the street and start calling me "cracker" (it's happened)..intent. If three white dudes approach a black man on the street and call him "nigger"..intent. One white guy approaching three black guys and dropping the N bomb is known as creative suicide. A black guy approaching three white guys calling them cracker is known as "hilarious". Unless he has a gun. See: Authority, or rather, ABILITY to make that word have meaning.

"If you create a sign like this, or make the capitol error of sporting a stache, mullet AND an American Flag dew-rag (Jesus, Old Glory boxing shorts would have been better), you are forbidden to criticize immigrants who can't speak/write english. You also do not qualify for the United Wegroe College Fund."

I worked at this restaurant when I was a teenager, and there was this cook who was a major dick, Tony. There was a server who was a little obnoxious, but not unlikeable. He was flaming like Johnny Torch, openly queer. Weeks and weeks of Tony slipping in "faggots" and "gaybo", etc etc. One day I hear a clamor, pots & pans clanging, shouting. I ran to the back to find Tony pinning the server to the wall with a fillet knife at his throat. "CALL ME A NIGGA AGAIN, MOTHERFUCKER!" About a minute of this, me and others trying to chill him out before he did something stupid. The server just stood there, his hands up, ghost white.

I guess Tony did not see the point that Johnny Torch was trying to make to him.

Can't deny growing up in Da Souf hasn't had an affect in my development as a person. Po' white southern trash. Not as po' as many, but for a long while as a kid I lived with grandparents, or in a trailer..sometimes even a few months with a great-uncle & my great aunt lived to be about 102 years old. I was often shifted around. It can have a bearing on who we are, our esteem, how others treat us. Anyone who'd think all white people are privileged just because they're "caucasians" should spend a few weeks in south Georgia or Alabama. A caucasian is from the Caucasus mountains anyway...dumb. It IS a factor in how society treats you. Drunk/abusive or absent dads. Drunk/abusive or absent moms. Kids going to school where lunch was often the only meal they'd get that some would try to hustle two trays, or steal food from other kids. Wasn't always about bullying or power tripping, but real hunger & malnutrition. Survival.

The "Reconstruction" of the civil war never ended..the south is still reconstructing. It was blighted and punished severely for seceding & for the economic advantages slavery gave it. Paid the price. Many are paying the price still several generations later. Back then, it was much the same as today..a minority of wealthy folks were the ones with all the slaves. The others were mostly poor ass sharecroppers, craftsmen, proprietors, etc. Only one out of every four southern males owned slaves, and even in those cases, it would be one or two slaves. I'm not rationalizing, I'm saying the general perception is not quite in line with history. The vast majority could not afford the legions of slaves plantation owners had. Sure, maybe they'd aspire to "pulling themselves up by the bootstraps with the help of a Yoruba captive"...kind of like the folks today that aspire to have the millions of hedge fund managers. It's often been said that the constitution is racist because it equates an african's vote to only count as 1/5th of a white's vote. The legislators did that out of practicality, because including the slave population, the south outnumbered the northern states in voting power. It would've been the South voting their agendas in, and getting their slaves to do the same thing. "Ah, Kunte Kinte here loooooves this proposition, dontchya boy!" And that would have likely lead to more states becoming slave states.

For years, it was the negroes and the wegroes, many from the south, Ozarks & Appalachians, that went off to Vietnam. Wasn't until the draft came about that the upper classes started caring much about it. "Oh shit! I was going to backpack like Kerouac this summer, get into trouble, maybe listen to some of that devil jazz music and smoke some grass, college will always be there for me! WE DON'T NEED YOUR STUPID WAR, HELL NO WE WON'T GO!!" Hey, it got a lot of dudes to go to's that for motivation! Now, college is so ridiculously expensive, they get people INTO the military by offering tuition assitance. "Hey, your dumb trashy ass will never get in with the elites...join the Army/Navy/AirForce (maybe)/Marines! If you survive, you can go to college! They're all wheelchair accessible. And they are very accomodating of people with PTSD."

The greatest irony is that the white supremacists and black supremacists have so, so much in common aside from the nature of their hatred...

"What's Up?! We're Akeem and Muhammed Shabbaz Shazaam III Esquire and we are here to PUMP (clap!) you up!"

Feh. Hymn To The Wegroe. A Wegroe isn't a racist or a white supremacist/seperatist. Perhaps I will create official Wegroe me if you'd like one. Don't even have to be european, you can be an honorary Wegroe. Then we can say "wegroe, please" to each other. Wegrow. Grow marijuana & get high when you can so that you don't end up all grouchy and neurotic.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Style of Diplomacy

Here is what should've happened back in 2003, if we hadn't had a moron named George Bush III in office. I seem to recall another George III being a problem for the United States a long, long time ago:

Dear Iraqi Baath Party,

If you want to go goosestepping through the streets of Baghdad, that is your business. We're sick of dicking around with the UN and Saddam though. Here in the United States, we love lotteries and get rich quick schemes. We're concerned that Iraq will start selling oil to countries in competition with us, and therefore our dollar will lose its petro-backed value. If you big chiefums in the Baath Party hog tie and hand over Saddam and these few dozen other people we don't like (the REAL Saddam, not some chador salesman with a dirty sanchez moustache), we'll give each high-ranking officer in the Baath Party $10,000. We have a lot of corporations licking their lips over here at the opportunity of making a huge profit off the blood of both our people and yours. If we come in, there will be much bloodshed, MORE depleted uranium mines littering the ground and burning into the atmosphere (and according to our own military studies, this shit is incredibly dangerous when handled or when burned) and there will be much busting up of infrastructure, and all those religious zealots you hate will be running loose everywhere. That would suck. OH, here in the United States, we love weed too, we just won't admit it. If you cooperate, we'll ship in Hindu Kush seeds so the Kurds will have something to do. Maybe you can get the Iranians high too, they need it.

Dear American People,

We don't know what the fuck Saddam is doing. That's the problem. Really, does $10/gallon gas sound to you? Let's be real, we hardly have democracy here, we can't bring it to a bunch of pan-arab nationalist nazis in the tigris-euphrates valley. Maybe if all the far-left handwringers had gotten the cocks of tweed-jacketed left-over 60s hippy college professors out of their mouths for half a minute, we could have those 100 top of the line nuclear power plants that would make us almost totally self-sufficient for energy...but no, all the Euro-Douches get to have them. Toyota and Honda want to sell hybrids that cost two to three times as much as a gas powered equivalent, and celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Chevy Chase want to drive big gas guzzling SUV's while telling everyone else they're supporting terrorists. Shame on them, and shame on you. All the people that drive smaller more fuel efficient cars are thrilled that you feel safer in your Abrams tank..maybe if you paid attention to the road instead of chatting on your blackberry while three LCD screens played, everyone else would feel safer too. Damn, the best was this one time I saw a huge SUV, and the LCD screen in the back was playing a hardcore porn movie. THANKS! Why the hell was THAT GUY driving around while Pee Wee Herman/Paul Reubens got shafted for being far more discreet than that. LCD screens...there's these things called, uh, BOOKS..they fit nicely in those little pockets on the back of car seats. Or maybe your kids could talk to each other or something, play handslaps, animal or vegetable, or rock-paper-scissors. You know that company we have, Ford? They make these new compact engines that get about 40 to 50 mpg. Apparently, these are only good enough for other countries, you won't buy these sorts of cars, America. Ya know, all that extra petrol saved could be used to make a lot more cheap plastic shit, my fellow Americans! Anyway, I gotta go give the First Lady the high hard one. I do enjoy these fireside chats, fellow merkins!

Afghanistan is different....

Bush the fratboy slept off hangovers in an F-11, and sent many to be cannon fodder for his ivy league cronies in his administration. A wise leader, a scrupulous one, may have sent them, but not under this false premise of bringing democracy. It would have been best to strike quick, round up every Talibani piece of shit without incurring trillions in costs, countless deaths, and bombing a place ALREADY in the stone age into the stone age. Bomb them into the stoned age with marijuana instead. The Soviets were in Afghanistan for 8 years and it led nowhere good for them...why do we think we have something so much better that those people want? Destroy the opium fields, and encourage the cultivation of potent marijuana strains again. OH WAIT, that's right, the western pharmaceutical companies want to own those strains for their edicinal values...the ones they hire talking heads to come out and say have no medicinal value. Owning a plant. Even what comes from god, from the earth, they wish to patent it and sell it to the populace in the form of overpriced pills. Suckers of satan's cock. The tribal leaders of Afghanistan, the Loya Jirga, wanted the Shah of Afghanistan to be reinstated, but the US blocked that decision so they could get their boy Karzai in there. In my eyes, destruction sometimes is necessary..but destroying without a clear vision of what to build in its stead is insane and evil. I think the United States is a mentally ill country.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Notes From The Waiting Room - Part One, March 2010

"Love" What is it? To be honest, I have no clue. Most people dont, yet trick themselves into thinking they do. WHat the hell is It.'s insanity. More so today in a loveless world...what's the divorce rate up to now? It's an invention of the greeting card, but the greeting card industry has had their say in molding what it has come to be known as. It's also mutual, SENSIBLE sacrifice. It's wanting to declare a geehawd on a million muthafuckas WITH someone..not FOR them or against them. Four chambers in the heart, to be loaded with bullets to shoot at a wicked world. Pilot & copilot in a B52 bomber. Drop the neutron bomb of the products of passion, to neutralize all that is anti-love and anti-living. Its kinship...but it has to go beyond that. It is NOT waiting in vain...but if mutual, one can wait until the Sun turns supernova. Weighting possibilities, not waiting in vain. You can wait until generations of stars become wishes. It IS insanity...and it has to be measured insanity to be a healthy insanity, small doses... "A little nonsense now & then is treasured by the wisest men". Well, that's what I *think* Love is....but what the fuck do I know? Love is the only true adventure. It's friendship set on fire. It has no awareness of merits or demerits. We love in another many of the things we see in ourselves.

"If I speak in human and angelic tongues 2 but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, (love) is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing. For we know partially and prophecy partially, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I talked as a child, thought as a child, reasoned as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things. At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known., hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love." - of the few books of the New Testament that seems to make much sense. Though I would say that most adults, when they cease thinking like children...just stop thinking about things entirely.

If one can't love a person..then love an endeavor. Love the world, and let your talents be a manifestion of that love for the world. Love what promotes equal opportunities, safe, clean environments...dismiss what does not. If you wish to be happy, set goals that command your thoughts, liberate your energy, and inspire hope in you. The opposite of love isn't hate, it is indifference. I am indifferent towards multinational corporations that set up in countries, get treated as if they had all the rights of an individual, exploit & corrupt the laws of that host country while looking for the next fertile plain to locust to...but what I hate is the effects of their short-sightedness. It is precisely like that movie's a huge construct, and nobody knows who built it exactly, everyone just does what they're supposed to, each individual an architect of a greater hell. My hatred is better used to destroy this construct in showing how it is a dead end. Robber barons are alive and well, and few of them follow the more responsible model of Andrew Carnegie.

It is human nature to never be satisfied, to always strive for better. If I give up, if I resign myself to the cube, to be cataloged and put on a shelf, what have I done with the gifts given to me by the creator of worlds. If we never strive for the better in others, only for the betterment of ourselves, what is created? Houses built with nobody to occupy them, yet armies of homeless everywhere. Change is painful...that's why people avoid it. They are as stiff trees that splinter, break, then fall over taking down others..not bamboo that bends in the wind, becoming even stronger when wet. That's why they look for scapegoats & martyrs...when we are all scapegoats and martyrs.

I do not hate the weakness I see in others, because many of the same weaknesses are in me. I look at their weakness, & I think - there but for the grace of god go I. Wisdom isn't just learning from our own mistakes, but from the mistakes of others.

Monday, February 7, 2011

For All L+F's

this guy can rarely do any wrong...real and raw music is still kicking.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Signal To Noise, Death of Music, Death of Auto-Tune

KRS-One. "When it comes to hiphop, we the orthodoxy" - Untouchable. Top 10 all time best lyricists.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Consistency of Peaches

The first breakthrough album of Peaches still has some appeal, relevancy. This chick is everything I look for in music, though. No half-assing on stage. Simple, yet memorable hooks. Keeps her dignity to a degree while still expressing her sexuality (she's a former librarian, I'm sure there's a lot of repressed stuff going on with Peaches). Challenges the paradigm of what's considered beauty. After having a couple of charting records, most "rock stars" would've gotten the gap in their teeth fixed. Not Peaches. Nope. That gap between her two teeth is kinda what makes her pretty when she cleans up. Plus, she's freaking witty.

Mic flip in the air, (beat beat) BAM, perfect timing. In video game speak, this would be Mega-Mega Bonus flashing bells, name at the top of the list of "high scores". Guitar Zero for the Playstation XXX not required.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Penn & Teller's Bullshit

Wish I had Showtime so I could see the repeats.

This show ascribes to two of my favorite things: educational and highly entertaining. Due to time limits, they can't get too in-depth, but they make their points effectively and spur on further discussion & research. A couple of my favorite segments:

My only criticism of Penn & Teller's Bullshit is sometimes they run out of topics and just resort to subjects that aren't really all that harmful to society. Those episodes are rare thankfully.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One of my favorite bands ever. Great live. Great to hang with. From Pennsylvania, one of the best states in the US:

HILARIOUS. Never ever miss an opportunity to see these guys live.

Gay VS. Glee

Ah...I think I have found a new word for gay, so all the INCREDIBLY gay mallrat kids out there can have a new word to use without offending the Village Voice People.


"Joe buys trucker hats, wears them sideways, paints his nails...damn, that guy's so glee. (mallrat hair swipe). Since it's just a show, I now feel safe in using this descriptor without hurting someone's feelings or making my gay manager at Whole Foods angry with me".

NOW, everyone can call something stupid & douchey "glee" and feel safe in the knowledge that only some Glee fanatic with pictures of the cast as their screensaver will get their underwear in a bunch over it. Is it the WORD, or is it the INTENT behind the word? It's the intent behind it. If someone calls something "gay", and they wear mascara, spend an hour on their ensembles, have a Lord Fautleroy haircut..why do folks even bother getting offended? It's projection.."Oh, I paint my nails black and that's kinda gay, so I'm going to call everyone online gay, from a safe distance". Now, if someone's got a gun holster, is thumbing their suspenders, and looking at ya like you're a rabbit in their cage...yeah, get your underwear in a bunch. Otherwise...who cares. It isn't like straight always has positive connotations. I mean, "straight jacket"? "Straight talk" (the sort of stuff that gets you shived nowadays). "Straight-edge" (i.e. "I gotta get straight, I can't ever have a drink again"). "I got a wife & kids to think about, I gotta keep on the straight and narrow"...sound like privilege? "Dire Straights/Straits"...the song "Money For Nothing" is now officially banned in Canada because of the line "that little faggot, he's a millionaire". Rolling Stone Yes, Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits is seeking to oppress gay people everywhere. Pssht. I may think it's a lame ass song, but..per Voltaire: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend unto death your right to say it". Dead Prez has lyrics like "I'm down for running up on them crackers in they City Halls"...should that song be banned from radio play? NO, because it's just a SONG, banning it would have the adverse effect. Dead Prez are a controversial band, but that's sort of their job. They have one video called "Hell Yeah" that SEEMS to be about carjacking white people, scamming welfare and food stamp programs, engaging in identity theft, etc..but the whole song is in character & is describing someone's nightmare. Most people are too stupid to listen to the lyrics in entirety or see the subtext. I can almost see it now: "YEah! Imma do that, Dead Prez!"..Dead Prez: "No, dummies, LISTEN! We're not saying DO THAT STUFF, we're not trying to glorify that! We're saying READ SOME BOOKS, the system is the PROBLEM!" Same reason Lupe Fiasco wrote Dumb It Down..."you'll sell more records if you dumb it down".


Glee is like the Teacher's Union version of Cop Rock. If you don't know what Cop Rock is, kiss the cross, because i'm about to stain your eyes. THIS is Cop Rock:

"Andrew Lloyd Weber is gangraped by Def Leppard and Cops investigate while dancing on desks...hmm, this sounds like a good pilot, Pitch Guy. Here's 20 million dollars and all the people that didn't make the cut for Fame."

File under Crimes Against Humanity in the halls of television history. This show led to the Rodney King incident...that's what cops were so angry about. Cop Rock led to the LA Riots. That's a fact jack.

The best comment on this video: "im tired and hungry and one foot in the grave...**jazzhands**" and..."They're not homeless due to joblessness--Thor the God of Thunder and Good Taste was so pissed off by this show that now, every time a former actor from this show tries to buy a new home and move in, he lightning-bolts the fuck out that ground until they're nothing but a crater that spells - Fuck You."

Thank you..this has been a Public Service Announcement from the Hall of Poop Culture.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Treatise On Minimalism

I've read a few books on minimalism. There's a guy named Everette Brogue that has refined it even further & made some sort of career for himself from it. Far be it for me to begrudge someone their hustle, but it seemed to just be a phase or a fad for him. His blog is interesting:

Far Beyond The Stars

He hardly invented the concept, but he does have a lot to say about it from a fresh perspective. A lot of talk about cybernetic yogis, second lives ( other words, an online persona that isn't really who you are, which is a human being, not a robot), etc. I don't buy it whole-heartedly. Technology is a tool, not god. Technologies fail like all false idols fail. There are tools, and there is god, Shaddai, The Holy Pop-Pop, Trinity, whatever one wishes to call it. The maker of mountains and streams. The great tester and the seer-in-I. Over-dependence on technology presumes there will always be energy to run technology. Unless one is off the grid, has a home made from solar panels or a bio-diesel generator or something, I don't think it's the greatest idea to become TOO reliant on technology. Maybe if all the handwringers who blocked nuclear energy for decades hadn't been such demagogues, electric cars would be more common. I don't know. Later later...

There are the stars, and they don't change in our lifetimes...perhaps Betelgeuse, but I doubt Betelgeuse will go supernova for generations. I'd love to be alive to see that, it would be like the Dark Crystal planet or something. Astrology (Ophiuchus A.K.A. Oh,FUCK US) does not count..that's just the earth shifting on its axis, the stars didn't change. Astrology is fun, but it's hardly a faith. It's divination or whatever. "SCORPIO, you will encounter difficulties in relationships. Look out for an opportunity..." NO SHIT, Sherlock. Here's some master astrology from me: "You will screw up some. You will screw up some more. People will disappoint you. Your roommate/friend/parents/coworkers/S.O./etc will do something to irritate you. Politicians will kiss babies and shake hands, then when that doesn't get them votes & lobbies anymore, they'll shake babies and kiss hands. Some guru will claim to have all the answers to part you with your money & sit atop their pyramid tending to their 99 cadillacs. Water is wet. Look for opportunities. Welcome to the human condition".

How one lives is how one effects the world. I take Navy showers to reduce water consumption when rates go up from over-consumption or when there is one of the many water shortages in Florida. We live in a water based economy, primarily, and secondarily we use currency backed by petrodollars and derivatives & credit from selling our rectums to China & other countries that truly call the shots. Anyway..water. Arrakis (Iraq us). Desert planet:

How to Take a Navy Shower (Simplified)

Not much fun for a woman or for taking a shower with one. I live in Florida, which is home to more natural springs than anywhere else, due to the Florida Aquifer, a system of limestone caverns that rain water seeps into and is purified naturally. Many times, there are sinkholes, where a cavern gives way and someone loses their house. In many places, someone will own land on a natural spring, yet they do not own the spring..a company like Pepsi or Coca Cola will, and they own the rights to that water. They bottle it and sell our water overseas. They even have rights to municipal water systems and bottle that and sell it right back to us. I had a discussion with a friend about this, and it made me think of an episode of P&T's Bullshit where they talk about the same thing. I refrained from buying bottled water & just used a Brita filter or tap water. Florida tap water tastes like ASS, because of the water table & all the processing and treatment. However, US tap water is among the safest in the world unless you live near a fraction oil mining area or something where people have actually been able to turn their faucets on and set it on fire. Look it up, I'm not kidding. Bottled water is one of the biggest scams in the universe. It really is like that Brawndo crap from Idiocracy. "Nobody's buying their own water back from Brawndo, the economy is failing! Der der der, whattawedo?!"


Everyone likes to own things. I have my fare share of stuff. I've been leveling over time, getting rid of things the past few years. I collect records. I have a few musical instruments that were good for zoning out in the audio representation of Om...generally what I would do, is sample things I liked onto a hard-drive, then donate them back to Goodwill or wherever. Buy a record for 50 cents, give it back, this is a way of supporting charity. It's a lend/lease program in my eyes. The good stuff I would tend to hold onto. I like records. I like the warmth and the scratch. But I don't even want most of mine anymore. GET RID of things that are not needed. A couple of pieces of furniture, a few framed pictures, TOOLS (my art tables, supplies), Total Gym (this thing is awesome, I have to admit..I don't think Wesley Snipes and Chuck Norris are talking out their ass about the TG), a small television & DVD player (libraries usually have all the books & DVDs one could want), I don't need much more.

The stuff I have, is COOL STUFF. I usually just give it away. A gift is a gift. I get my use from it, and then move it along. After a while, people accumulate so much stuff, their stuff owns them. Reminds me of that cheesy 80s movie, The Stuff:

Too true. A silly horror movie from the 80s with a subtext about rampant consumerism.

I celebrate "Buy Nothing Day", which historically has occurred on Black Friday. What better time to avoid being trampled by spiritually starved mobs wanting to be the first to have bragging rights on the SEXBOX 3 or whatever. What the hell? I know life's depressing, mankind, but an XBOX or Playstation isn't conducive to a healthy sex life. A Nintendo Wii maybe is. Wii Fit, holy crap, the Male Fitness strength training section is BRUTAL. Wii was designed with a progressive mindset for numerous life-enhancing uses. Therefore, it makes vaginas tingle. Those controllers vibrate like a fiend. If Nintendo wasn't as family oriented as it is, there'd be about 100 different X-rated videogames on the market. So, my tenant: If you must buy a videogame system, and you would like to see a vagina again instead of talking trash to 13-year-olds playing special ops on SOCOM or whatever, buy a Wii.

(Courtesy of Instructables, home of the Altoids Can Flux Capacitor)



Fresh fruit. Fresh vegetables. Simple, yet elegant. Olive oil and a little lemon pepper makes most vegetables pop. Carrots are good. Raw or cooked. Especially cooked, a carrot cooked JUST a little bit is the only vegetable that becomes MORE nutritious when sauteed a bit. A good spice rack is essential to good eating. Instead of the pre-packaged taco seasoning that is loaded with MSG and other crap, can throw together a far better taco seasoning in about 1 minute. The following foods are known as "Super foods": Blueberries, almonds, apples, carrots, avocados, lentils, lima beans, oatmeal, soy beans, broccoli (my favorite), flax seed (good as filler in various recipes). As for teas, Green tea is ace (good for energy and cleaning out your system), Ginger tea (good for digestion), etc. As for meat isn't good regularly. It's all about fish, eggs, chicken, pork...though I do love a bloody rare steak now and then. Those I usually have to do myself, because every restaurant is afraid of being sued for cooking a steak rare. Crockpot is an indispensible throw in a bunch of ingredients, set the timer, and you've got everything you need when the time comes. OH, and smoothies! Damn, I love smoothies. I stopped using the protein powder in smoothies so much, because it can lead to ketosis, too much protein and not enough carbohydrates. Kidney stones, kidney problems, kidney failure...that stuff is better left to body builders and calorie counters. I don't count calories too much. If you're walking around, riding a bike, doing stuff like that, things just sort of work out. A "balanced diet" is called such for a reason. How the heck can anyone enjoy life if they're counting calories all the damn time? I mean, who goes to a Mexican restaurant and does this? "Ok. Oooh...senorita, can you tell me how many calories are in these flautas?" FACE:PALM.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Movies In 5 Seconds

Brought to you by ThatGuyWithTheGlasses. And littler guys with glasses. Funny dude. These are among the best:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This is how I feel sometimes.

Buh buh buh..this blog was more for my innermost thoughts, feelings...all that touchy feely stuff. I've had other blogs..Xanga, Blogspot...I think I'll just seperate them into different themes. Non-Prophet Organization will be for all the darkness and observations of "WTF, where is the world headed". The comedy of grouchiness. This, I'll leave it for poetry, stuff I find amusing, pop culture critique, books that I've found helpful to me. I have a Super Secret Guy Club blog for all the frustrated males in the world & the stuff females don't like hearing, because they've probably heard it a million times from their dads and other guys already (zzzz). Gals have too much power already, the kind of power that counts. Don't look for that sort of insight from me so much, chicks! And I'll make one for my own artwork and comic strips. The one constant, is that of being funny. If I'm not funny, then I'll cry. The tears will become acid rain to corrode my soul. No good. Can't have that. Nobody can tell you're crying when you're swimming.

At Ichetucknee Springs one time, some latino guy fell into the waters from a dock, couldn't swim. His little girl was wailing hysterically, watching her dad flail around in the swift depths. He had one of those top notch cameras. I was not on an inner tube, my girlfriend at the time was & called my attention to this, I'd just seen him videoing before the "incident". So, I did something. About all one can do, because the current of the spring run is so freaking FAST, if you try and clobber someone and drag em by the hair or with one arm under em their arm, you'd probably drown yourself. The prettiest spring run can be deadly if one doesn't know how to swim. I saw some lady coming towards him in a canoe, so I just took a deep breath, dived down underneath him, grabbed his legs, and lifted him up above the water line until she got there to pull him into her canoe. Group effort. No accolades. No gold stars. Sometimes just DO things because they're right to do, and hope you don't get sued for bruising someone's leg. Good Samaritan Law. That came about due to diffusion of responsibility & lawyers run amok. Lawyers...I look forward to the day when lawyers are chasing bread trucks for a loaf of bread instead of ambulances. All these new law about some schools dedicated to streamlining houses or making them more energy efficient? "UC IRVINE TO OPEN NEW ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CAMPUS"..headlines I'd like to see.

I thought he was just clowning around. Uh, no, the dude really didn't know how to swim. This is amazing to me. It seems like, if you've seen one of the many TV shows that show people swimming, you would know how to at least SWIM, though not like some Baywatch shit...never underestimate the power of panic. I was thinking a rogue gator had mosied up from the tannic waters of the Sante Fe for some mischief or something. "Aaaaah, papa papa!!"...poor little girl. Lo siento, papas fritas por su papa! Jajaja! Tengo chistes!

Welcome to spiritsville.

When Greece faced domination by Xerxes I, the Greek city states got together and decided how best to stop Persia. That movie 300 covers Leonidas, the Spartan king who led the forces that held the pass of Thermopylae...but the brains behind Persia's defeat was the leader of Athens, Themistocles. For years he tricked the Athenians into building up their Navy, despite the heat it brought him from other Robey McRobertons. He knew naval power would be instrumental in staving off any future Persian attacks. That wasn't covered at all in the movie/comic, made it seem like some act of god threw the Persians' ships onto the rocks, and the glorious pects of Spartan warriors did the rest...but, it was mostly a naval battle between the Athenian and Persian navies that occurred at the same time. If not for Themistocles...sheesh, there may have never been an Alexander the Great, he would've been shining the shoes of Persians or something. Well, maybe not shoes, I think they wore sandals then, and I'm not quite sure how one shines sandals. Don't see too many hippies at the shoe shine chair in airports. "My sandals are shiny, and I have tan feet now too!"

Monday, January 24, 2011

I Was Asked What It's Like Where I "Live"

Well, it sucks. That's why I'm doing things to GTFO of here. There used to a be a marginally funny website an acquaintance of mine ran called "" that summed it up pretty good. I would submit stuff, including pictures of the various denizens ones find in WalMart. The best was a picture of this redneck chick with a horrible mullet playing Deer Hunter at 1 AM. Deer Hunter, arcade game, someone actually came up with that. What's next, Squirrel Hunter? Quail Zapper? I think Duck Hunt for Nintendo started that trend..and ended it. Plenty of REAL deer around here to go shooting at. Plus you get venison, which is the most delicious meat one can eat on earth. Incredibly lean, no fat.

Jacksonville is run by the First Baptist church. They even somehow got zoning to put up this lighthouse to assert their authority over the region. It's an eyesore, some complain about it, most people LOVE IT. Uh, this is FLORIDA, there's plenty of REAL Lighthouses, didn't need one right smack in the middle of downtown. Someone should make a pirate ship float and drive right into that thing. "Whoops. Thar be Baptists! ARrrrr!" It looks like Jesus's barber shop. "Hey ya'll come on in! I'm gonna HEAL all your horrible haircuts!".

"HUGE Eyesore? APPROVED! Anything remotely promoting progressiveness, economic growth, fun and inclusivity? DENIED!"

Imagine the town council from the movie Hot Fuzz. Kinda like that. Thing is like the tower of Sauron. The eye over everyone. Getchya EyeSaur-On!

"Hulp, pshhhhh, hulp psssh...bacchanalian evildoers, bohemians, anyone left of center, & Mayor Lowe of Gainesville, Reverend Sauron is watching you...(satan growl)"

Methlabs, Waffle Houses, and the occasional glimpse of culture. That is Jackoffville, FL. Oh, and lots of these:

"Uh...hey guys, Dukes of Hazard got canceled about 30 years ago...oh, and maybe ya didn't get the memo, the South LOST the Civil War. I guess Sherman burned the mail routes too."

Yeah, this eyesore was flying next to a Florida highway for awhile.

"Hang dem gay negro zombies high, Cleetus!"

Redneck Zombies. This can't be any worse than that Troma movie "Night Of The Living Rednecks" about zombie making moonshine.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Body Image

The media is constantly barraging everyone with their concept of an ideal body image. I can't even handle it anymore, I just defer to what other people say about a TV show. "OH MAN, did you see Dumb White Trash Guy last night, or Fat Balding Idiot and Super Smart Hot Wife, or that show about the kid, with the two stereotypical male father know, Jon Cryer the Huge Mangina, and Charlie Sheen the Fuck Everything That Moves stereotype?" Ha. Yeah, that's what it's come to. That is essentially a couple of guys filling the role of a feminine and masculine archetype. If only people talked like I do. You know, this is an Idiocracy, "there we go with that FAG talk again". I tend to watch movies. I've had enough of spoiled Hollywood types telling ME how I should see myself. Their standard output should be "Swimming in Arizona Bay". THERE would be a show! Bill Hicks was right about L.A.

Here's one, FAKE BOOBS:

"Makers of Not-So-Ironic Ironic T-Shirts take heed!"

"The American Female in 10 years"

Media gets people feeling like they're NOT people if there is any "imperfection" or ANYTHING they can be picked apart for. Boobs are cool, I like them, sure. I posit the question: What is better than boobs? I'll keep seamier answers to myself, but.."Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of giant fake boobs & an evil media empire..." That's how that should be rewritten. One of my projects is to rewrite the New Testament from a modern perspective. I think the media messes up females as much if not more than males. The message that is sent CONSTANTLY is "I, the male of the species, am not listening, I'm just looking at your boobs". Yeah, I'll sneak a peek at boobs or ass now & then, OF COURSE, it's like ninja eyes. SHOOP, Haikiba, gym kata, TNA, shoop! Especially a round butt, there is nothing I love more than a heart-shaped butt. Upside-down heart!

"Only a lover of ass could make such a simple, ingenious graphic as this."

I won't STARE, though. That's just rude. Staring is threatening. Staring is like...imagine Charlie Brown's teacher as a giant pair of boobs:

"Charlie Brown, wah WAH wah?..."

"Yes..I have it."


"No. Yes. Wait. What was the question, I was staring at the magical balloon ride.."

Yep. The Great Magical Balloon Contest. It's like that movie Around The World In 80 Days or something. Battle of The Boobs! Jump in your boob balloon, who can make it around the world and back FIRST.

"I am filled with shame because of my humble breasteses.."

Truth on the lips. The crap pisses me off. Why? Because it makes chicks with small bigs self conscious...AND it makes chicks with big ones self conscious. Tig ole bittys, pects that look like Butterball turkeys, THAT's what it is to be a woman or a man? HA! Crom laughs at this notion. Me, I'm just a wegroe whose heart has grown 100x for these neglected, more modest boobs of the world. Fear not, meek boobs, for this is the age of ASS. Climb stairs, wear tight jeans, ass is class.

I gotta start another blog I guess. On top of the other two I've attempted on Xanga and Blogspot. Yeesh. The Super Secret Guy Club blog. Oyayi. This shouldn't be for the eyes of the opposite sex. A guy should keep secrets, women have TOO MUCH POWER as is.
Gender inequality is a good topic for...hmm, about 10 minutes. Then, guys come off like this:

"Waaaah! Waaaah! I'm gonna talk about all the stuff your dads kvetch about, waah!"

This picture is pretty classic. Perhaps babies CAN sense evil and irresponsible fiscal policy.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I still can't believe this guy was the governor of Cali. My friend Dev does a spot on impersonation of him. "Aarghaghghaghahgah, job killaz!" He's hardly Reagan. Jeez Louise. "Well, uh, well, I'm a 50s robot, AIDS doesn't exist (power down, bshheewwwww)". The Arnult Schwartzanegroe film collection is a classic line up. The best one is Conan, and the commentary track of Arnult pointing out the obvious is pretty hilarious. "Dis is da paht where Chames Earl Chones is hypmotizing me. Look at dis. Totally hypmoTIZED!"..there is no better comedy.

And, of course, there is this:

Bwahahaha! I love Creative Commons & culture jamming...anyone can take a scene from a popular movie or the work of another artist and turn it into something entirely different, so long as it's not for financial gain (depends on the CC code). Then others can use the fruits of their labor in their own ways. Planting seeds.

What's to decide?:

Aghaghahghghhahgahhahhahhahahhaha, don't wetlip it, aghahghahhahah

Arnult...not his fault he got handed a shit sandwich and a pepper shaker. "No, no, dis is no good here...Cherry Brown, here is sum mayonnaise". Jerry that poor bastard age about 20 years in two. It'll be like this:

"Don't look at it, Marion! Don't look at the budget deficit! CLOSE YOUR EYES!!"

Crap, I'm like that guy from that old HBO show who thinks in scenes from movies.

I am the lowest of the low
It's hell being enlightened
You've got to live with what you know
Worst case scenario
Always fighting with my mind
Always kicking down to compromise
My grip is gone, the past is black
It's been done before, and I like where I'm at
I am the lowest of the low
It's hell being enlightened
You've got to live with what you know
Worst case scenario
Higher, high, high
You've got to come down

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Whirled Peas..

Huh. I have a plan that will bring down any regime. Iranians...they're mostly people in their 20s and 30s. And they're just people too, sick to shit of Flying Imams on Carpet Bombs. They just wanna live too. Here's one of many Persian hiphop songs:

THEY'RE SICK OF IT TOO! They just want a TASTE of what we have.

A person's best weapon is their culture. Whether their culture is cultured or not. Want to bring down any regime? Carpet bomb them with the things we all take for granted. Their tinpot dictators wouldn't know what to do if 1 million copies of Playgirl, Playboy, mascara, some DVDs, and some preloaded MP3 Players landed in parachutes. "Amateur Porn, Not Bombs". I could save this country a fortune. How many mp3 players is equivalent to the price of a clusterbomb.

Freakin' BOMBs designed to look like little yellow toys so kids blow their hands off....what piece of shit paperclip-pusher came up with that one. Yeah, that'll win hearts and minds..."I thought it was rubber ducky, now I have no hands! DEATH TO AMERICA! (fistpump..whoop, I have no fist either)" Yeah, well, we're the fall guys. The Russians & Chinese make stuff like that too, Cambodia and Angola are littered with Soviet bloc and Chinese landmines. They just make them cheaper. The Chinese execute people and charge the family a fortune for a bullet that cost them about 3 cents to make. In my country, we charge people $10 for a Tylenol that cost 3 cents to make, $3000 for an MRI scan, and throw them in the pen for smoking weed. I think all this money would be better spent on MRI Vending Machines in malls or something instead of things that kill a lot of people..I don't know, I'm only crazy, because the world does not make a whole lot of sense. That money comes from our pockets in the form of the value of our currency, while those who sold off our steel mills, industries and standing in the world jump on planes to Paraguay or some crap. Bunch of Boss Tweeds.

"Er, ah, I am issuing a fatwa against all copies of Stuff magazine and makeup (please don't hang me from a crane, I'm shitting in my robes)"

I came in the name of the Great Spiral to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm fresh out of bubblegum. I can't be the first person to say stuff like this. Of course, the mucky mucks in these countries could just claim the stuff came from them, but it'd be pretty hard to keep track of where all the cluster MRI's of food with United States stamps on it fell. Clusterbars, Not Clusterbombs. War profiteers. Sheesh. There are no prophets in this age. Comedians, writers, observational humorists...there are the modern prophets. Non-Prophet Organization. That is what I am about.

"Hi, I'm Sally Struthers. Did you know that for the price of one depleted uranium shell, 5,000 Afghani kids could have a stuffed animal & a sandwich, or 1,000 Afghani women could be straddling whatever the hell this is I'm straddling..."

What IS that thing, it looks like a freakin EWOK!

"Jub jub! This guy's wise."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Italo Disco

Here's a favorite of my pal, Dev. Oh, the flambouyant 80s. Italo Disco. Per Dev, it was inspired by a bunch of Italian music labels that watched Saturday Night Fever too much and had a few synthesizers laying around, thought they could do better. Dev has a rich doctor dad, and is uh, like the Keeper of Obscure Italo Disco. Mondo bizarro guy, loves all these weird Italian cult horror movies, trims trees for a living, goes through gals like they're limbs on a southern pine. Pretty good tune. I can dig it. Can't beat the "phat" bass line and cheesy synthesizer horn stabs. Here's another one he mentioned...I found it so unbelievable that I thought he had to be messing with me, but no, someone actually made this:

John Rambo, ye shall be praised with bangled earings, drum machine toms, and aerobics choreography! This sounds like Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Frankie Goes To Bollywood. No, wait, Frankie Goes To Vietnam.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Crazy-Ass Turkish Ripoff Movies

For a time in the 70s and 80s, Turkish movies were...uh...very interesting in their interpretation of popular American films. Low-budget, badly acted, horribly edited, and highly hilarious.

Here's a few of the greats...

Turkish Star Wars:

YOUUUUUUUU GOT THA TOUCH! YOUUUUU GOT THA POWERRRRRRRR! This is an interesting exercise regimen. Pound at some sand, tie some boulders on your legs, and you're ready to take on an intergalactic empire.

Here's the Turkish ET, "Badi"

JEEZUS! I thought the original E.T. was freaking creepy with his glowing-anal-probe finger, but Extra Turk-restrial shoots freaking sarin gas at you! "Badi phone hooooome" (fsshhhhhh)

Turkish Rambo...

And here I thought Kool-Aid man loved busting through walls and doors....Can't beat the Nerf RPG too. I like how he just runs places, and there's conveniently RPG rockets lying around. No logic to it at all..."Oh, I'll just leave this high explosive on the ground here, somebody could use these".

Turkish Batman & Robin

Apparently Robin wasn't the only circus performer. "Stop everything, henchmen, I gotta set up for this somersault!" The one redeeming factor of any cheap Turkish flick is scantily clad go-go girls, I will give them that.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goals VS Resolutions...Ideals VS Values

New Year's is pretty simple.

One looks to the past, at past misdeeds and mistakes and even how it is they have cheated themselves or let themselves be walked on. If they did something wrong, they make amends where appropriate to do so. When not, they don't. Knowing the difference is...a matter of degrees & judgement. Otherwise it's like that silly ass show My Name Is Earl about some white trash guy that goes around getting into MORE trouble trying to make amends so he can fix his "karma".

"I'm sorry I stole your moustache wax, Cleetus!" looks to the future, at goals. And to the past at mistakes and how to resolve them. RESOLUTION: "I screwed up this way, I've got to do this or that to not do so again." It is based on the Gregorian calender. "SHOULD old acquaintance be forgot". Rhetorical question. Most Americans forget their traditions, because...I guess they have alzheimer's from all the aluminum cans.

I've always had fairly focused goals, I just was not born very fortunate or privileged, and was always messed with, was never allowed to feel settled & secure because of divorce, being moved around alot, having boundaries interfered with constantly, etc. Concentration does not come easy for me, that's why I prefer a simpler, spartan existence. I did my best. My suffering served and serves a purpose. Writing Down The Wounds in the New Beat author era. I've suffered so perhaps others WON'T.

Ideal Love does not exist, that has to be created. Ideals are stars by which one sails their ship. Pick a few, sail by them. Values are how the ship is run in getting there. Ideals aren't nightsticks to beat everyone close to me over the head with. I used to get all bent out of shape and influenced by others' ideology worship, but...I don't anymore, it's not my place to say what is false and what is not. I can't go around paradigm shifting & iconoclasting everyone, because it's arrogant. That's for self-moyelers. Some folks need their beliefs. Mine are just based on personal experience. Philosophy comes from that. What's true for me, may not be true for another. I've known I wanted to be a cartoonist & writer for quite some time. I've always been a humorist. I'd write A LOT when I had time to do so, and I've drawn a lot when I had the time to do so, it is just that...relation-ships with the opposite sex who have loftier ideals often came at the expense of my own goals. And parents that often smack down any goals not totally inline with what their version of happiness would be. STRONGER, FASTER, HARDER, DO IT THIS WAY, NO THAT WAY, YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT. Crazymachering. Forget that noise. For anyone wanting to maintain while making a living, I would recommend this book:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Clocky The Chop Socky Alarm Clock

Best alarm clock EVER! Even better than the R. Lee Ermey alarm clock:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Elastic Love

This song does something for me. Call me shlomo (no homo). Reminds me of Alejandro by Lady Gaga, but this song's far better.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Interesting Interview Series With Alan Moore

If you don't know who Alan Moore is...he's a PIMP! Greatest writer around. Comics or otherwise, and an interesting fellow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Leprechaun In The Hood

Behold, the magic of creative mixing and Creative Commons...


My friend Kevin sent this to me. He knows funny.

A new phrase has been coined..."I wanna know where tha gold at!"


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I know I've been sounding like a broken record. (skrrp, #9, skrrp, #9..)

It's more for myself, to reprogram myself after two very rough years.

Don't take it to mean I'm not coming back to planet earth. In one piece. PEACE!

"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion." - Dune

The juice of SAPPHO! Lysistrata! Lezistrata. LOL.