Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goals VS Resolutions...Ideals VS Values

New Year's is pretty simple.

One looks to the past, at past misdeeds and mistakes and even how it is they have cheated themselves or let themselves be walked on. If they did something wrong, they make amends where appropriate to do so. When not, they don't. Knowing the difference is...a matter of degrees & judgement. Otherwise it's like that silly ass show My Name Is Earl about some white trash guy that goes around getting into MORE trouble trying to make amends so he can fix his "karma".

"I'm sorry I stole your moustache wax, Cleetus!"

So...one looks to the future, at goals. And to the past at mistakes and how to resolve them. RESOLUTION: "I screwed up this way, I've got to do this or that to not do so again." It is based on the Gregorian calender. "SHOULD old acquaintance be forgot". Rhetorical question. Most Americans forget their traditions, because...I guess they have alzheimer's from all the aluminum cans.

I've always had fairly focused goals, I just was not born very fortunate or privileged, and was always messed with, was never allowed to feel settled & secure because of divorce, being moved around alot, having boundaries interfered with constantly, etc. Concentration does not come easy for me, that's why I prefer a simpler, spartan existence. I did my best. My suffering served and serves a purpose. Writing Down The Wounds in the New Beat author era. I've suffered so perhaps others WON'T.

Ideal Love does not exist, that has to be created. Ideals are stars by which one sails their ship. Pick a few, sail by them. Values are how the ship is run in getting there. Ideals aren't nightsticks to beat everyone close to me over the head with. I used to get all bent out of shape and influenced by others' ideology worship, but...I don't anymore, it's not my place to say what is false and what is not. I can't go around paradigm shifting & iconoclasting everyone, because it's arrogant. That's for self-moyelers. Some folks need their beliefs. Mine are just based on personal experience. Philosophy comes from that. What's true for me, may not be true for another. I've known I wanted to be a cartoonist & writer for quite some time. I've always been a humorist. I'd write A LOT when I had time to do so, and I've drawn a lot when I had the time to do so, it is just that...relation-ships with the opposite sex who have loftier ideals often came at the expense of my own goals. And parents that often smack down any goals not totally inline with what their version of happiness would be. STRONGER, FASTER, HARDER, DO IT THIS WAY, NO THAT WAY, YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT. Crazymachering. Forget that noise. For anyone wanting to maintain while making a living, I would recommend this book:

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