Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Treatise On Minimalism

I've read a few books on minimalism. There's a guy named Everette Brogue that has refined it even further & made some sort of career for himself from it. Far be it for me to begrudge someone their hustle, but it seemed to just be a phase or a fad for him. His blog is interesting:

Far Beyond The Stars

He hardly invented the concept, but he does have a lot to say about it from a fresh perspective. A lot of talk about cybernetic yogis, second lives ( other words, an online persona that isn't really who you are, which is a human being, not a robot), etc. I don't buy it whole-heartedly. Technology is a tool, not god. Technologies fail like all false idols fail. There are tools, and there is god, Shaddai, The Holy Pop-Pop, Trinity, whatever one wishes to call it. The maker of mountains and streams. The great tester and the seer-in-I. Over-dependence on technology presumes there will always be energy to run technology. Unless one is off the grid, has a home made from solar panels or a bio-diesel generator or something, I don't think it's the greatest idea to become TOO reliant on technology. Maybe if all the handwringers who blocked nuclear energy for decades hadn't been such demagogues, electric cars would be more common. I don't know. Later later...

There are the stars, and they don't change in our lifetimes...perhaps Betelgeuse, but I doubt Betelgeuse will go supernova for generations. I'd love to be alive to see that, it would be like the Dark Crystal planet or something. Astrology (Ophiuchus A.K.A. Oh,FUCK US) does not count..that's just the earth shifting on its axis, the stars didn't change. Astrology is fun, but it's hardly a faith. It's divination or whatever. "SCORPIO, you will encounter difficulties in relationships. Look out for an opportunity..." NO SHIT, Sherlock. Here's some master astrology from me: "You will screw up some. You will screw up some more. People will disappoint you. Your roommate/friend/parents/coworkers/S.O./etc will do something to irritate you. Politicians will kiss babies and shake hands, then when that doesn't get them votes & lobbies anymore, they'll shake babies and kiss hands. Some guru will claim to have all the answers to part you with your money & sit atop their pyramid tending to their 99 cadillacs. Water is wet. Look for opportunities. Welcome to the human condition".

How one lives is how one effects the world. I take Navy showers to reduce water consumption when rates go up from over-consumption or when there is one of the many water shortages in Florida. We live in a water based economy, primarily, and secondarily we use currency backed by petrodollars and derivatives & credit from selling our rectums to China & other countries that truly call the shots. Anyway..water. Arrakis (Iraq us). Desert planet:

How to Take a Navy Shower (Simplified)

Not much fun for a woman or for taking a shower with one. I live in Florida, which is home to more natural springs than anywhere else, due to the Florida Aquifer, a system of limestone caverns that rain water seeps into and is purified naturally. Many times, there are sinkholes, where a cavern gives way and someone loses their house. In many places, someone will own land on a natural spring, yet they do not own the spring..a company like Pepsi or Coca Cola will, and they own the rights to that water. They bottle it and sell our water overseas. They even have rights to municipal water systems and bottle that and sell it right back to us. I had a discussion with a friend about this, and it made me think of an episode of P&T's Bullshit where they talk about the same thing. I refrained from buying bottled water & just used a Brita filter or tap water. Florida tap water tastes like ASS, because of the water table & all the processing and treatment. However, US tap water is among the safest in the world unless you live near a fraction oil mining area or something where people have actually been able to turn their faucets on and set it on fire. Look it up, I'm not kidding. Bottled water is one of the biggest scams in the universe. It really is like that Brawndo crap from Idiocracy. "Nobody's buying their own water back from Brawndo, the economy is failing! Der der der, whattawedo?!"


Everyone likes to own things. I have my fare share of stuff. I've been leveling over time, getting rid of things the past few years. I collect records. I have a few musical instruments that were good for zoning out in the audio representation of Om...generally what I would do, is sample things I liked onto a hard-drive, then donate them back to Goodwill or wherever. Buy a record for 50 cents, give it back, this is a way of supporting charity. It's a lend/lease program in my eyes. The good stuff I would tend to hold onto. I like records. I like the warmth and the scratch. But I don't even want most of mine anymore. GET RID of things that are not needed. A couple of pieces of furniture, a few framed pictures, TOOLS (my art tables, supplies), Total Gym (this thing is awesome, I have to admit..I don't think Wesley Snipes and Chuck Norris are talking out their ass about the TG), a small television & DVD player (libraries usually have all the books & DVDs one could want), I don't need much more.

The stuff I have, is COOL STUFF. I usually just give it away. A gift is a gift. I get my use from it, and then move it along. After a while, people accumulate so much stuff, their stuff owns them. Reminds me of that cheesy 80s movie, The Stuff:

Too true. A silly horror movie from the 80s with a subtext about rampant consumerism.

I celebrate "Buy Nothing Day", which historically has occurred on Black Friday. What better time to avoid being trampled by spiritually starved mobs wanting to be the first to have bragging rights on the SEXBOX 3 or whatever. What the hell? I know life's depressing, mankind, but an XBOX or Playstation isn't conducive to a healthy sex life. A Nintendo Wii maybe is. Wii Fit, holy crap, the Male Fitness strength training section is BRUTAL. Wii was designed with a progressive mindset for numerous life-enhancing uses. Therefore, it makes vaginas tingle. Those controllers vibrate like a fiend. If Nintendo wasn't as family oriented as it is, there'd be about 100 different X-rated videogames on the market. So, my tenant: If you must buy a videogame system, and you would like to see a vagina again instead of talking trash to 13-year-olds playing special ops on SOCOM or whatever, buy a Wii.

(Courtesy of Instructables, home of the Altoids Can Flux Capacitor)



Fresh fruit. Fresh vegetables. Simple, yet elegant. Olive oil and a little lemon pepper makes most vegetables pop. Carrots are good. Raw or cooked. Especially cooked, a carrot cooked JUST a little bit is the only vegetable that becomes MORE nutritious when sauteed a bit. A good spice rack is essential to good eating. Instead of the pre-packaged taco seasoning that is loaded with MSG and other crap, can throw together a far better taco seasoning in about 1 minute. The following foods are known as "Super foods": Blueberries, almonds, apples, carrots, avocados, lentils, lima beans, oatmeal, soy beans, broccoli (my favorite), flax seed (good as filler in various recipes). As for teas, Green tea is ace (good for energy and cleaning out your system), Ginger tea (good for digestion), etc. As for meat isn't good regularly. It's all about fish, eggs, chicken, pork...though I do love a bloody rare steak now and then. Those I usually have to do myself, because every restaurant is afraid of being sued for cooking a steak rare. Crockpot is an indispensible throw in a bunch of ingredients, set the timer, and you've got everything you need when the time comes. OH, and smoothies! Damn, I love smoothies. I stopped using the protein powder in smoothies so much, because it can lead to ketosis, too much protein and not enough carbohydrates. Kidney stones, kidney problems, kidney failure...that stuff is better left to body builders and calorie counters. I don't count calories too much. If you're walking around, riding a bike, doing stuff like that, things just sort of work out. A "balanced diet" is called such for a reason. How the heck can anyone enjoy life if they're counting calories all the damn time? I mean, who goes to a Mexican restaurant and does this? "Ok. Oooh...senorita, can you tell me how many calories are in these flautas?" FACE:PALM.

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